The duel between Alianza Lima vs River Plate is scheduled this Wednesday, April 6, at night but, following the announcement by President Pedro Castillo of a curfew on April 05, several doubts regarding this commitment by Copa Libertadores were raised. Argentines travel to Lima this Tuesday afternoon from Buenos Aires and for the time being, according to Lima Airport Partners, everything will continue on course.“Jorge Chavez Airport is still operating, however, we recommend contacting your airline to confirm your flights. We suggest that people who have a scheduled flight carry their boarding pass and identity card with them. It is also important that passengers take their precautions because transport may be restricted,” the LAP statement after the executive announcement reads.The painting directed by Marcelo gallardo plans to leave Lima from Buenos Aires at 1:50 p.m. (Peruvian time) and should have no problem entering the Peruvian capital. After that they will settle in the Marriot Hotel in Miraflores. This Wednesday they will hold their last training before traveling.